Losing isn't a problem, not even against weaker opponents on paper. It's not a problem if "it's not your day."...
Novak Djokovic
Without a doubt, Novak is the best in the history of this sport. He has won almost everything that can...
Losing is not a problem, not even to those perceived as weaker on paper. It's not a problem if "it's...
Naime, on se vratio na kalendaru turnira u Indijan Velsu, pa ćemo ga sada gledati na terenu mnogo ranije nego...
The Serbian Olympic Committee held its traditional award ceremony for the best athletes, coaches, and teams. Novak Djokovic was named...
Odluka turnira da zakaže mečeve tako da Siner i Rubljov igraju na kraju ih je isprovocirala. Tog dana se ispostavilo...
"Treninzi sa njim su ozbiljan rad, udara se kao da se igraju poeni u meču, maksimalno je posvećen dokle god...