Majka optužuje da je ubijena beba Marica, doktor je nasilan prema meni! Na umrlici se nalazi slika bebe iz kovčega, tvrdi majka u intervjuu za Kurir.
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Marica Mihajlović from Šid had to bury her newborn daughter, and according to her, the culprits are in the hospital in Sremska Mitrovica. Marica recalls being admitted to the hospital on January 12, seven days before her due date. The next day, during the visit, she underwent a gynecological examination and was sent to the delivery room at 8:30 am. She was induced and at 3:30 pm, it became apparent that a natural delivery was not possible. Marica was told to wait until five when a doctor would perform a cesarean section. The doctor arrived at 6:20 pm and, despite the midwives insisting on a cesarean section, decided to deliver the baby naturally. Marica begged him to perform a cesarean, to save the baby, but he hit her, grabbed her jaw, threatened to harm her and insulted her on national grounds.
Marica continued to plead for help, but when the doctor realized that the baby could not be delivered, he stopped the delivery and administered anesthesia to Marica. He then began tearing her vagina to facilitate the baby’s exit. He jumped on her stomach, broke her ribs, and she lost consciousness. The pressure caused the baby to defecate and ingest the contents. The baby managed to take air but could not exhale due to the blocked lungs. Bubbles formed on the lungs. The baby was finally delivered at 11:05 pm. She wasn’t breathing, and her heart had stopped. The medical team managed to resuscitate her, put her on machines, and transported her to Novi Sad. However, the next morning, they called at six to inform Marica that the baby had passed away. If she had survived, she would have been in a vegetative state with brain damage. Marica mentioned that her pregnancy had been normal.
Marica also shared the impact this tragedy had on her five-year-old daughter, who experienced a traumatic event. The daughter cries and asks for her younger sister, Elena. Unfortunately, they had to bury Elena yesterday. They didn’t even have a picture for the obituary, so they had to use a picture of the deceased baby from the coffin. Marica only had a picture of the baby in the incubator, as she briefly saw her alive. No one from the hospital contacted her.
The General Hospital in Sremska Mitrovica has initiated an internal investigation regarding the reported incident. The health inspection has been informed, and once the necessary procedures are completed, the concerned parties will be notified, as stated by the hospital authorities.