Boriša Simanić will play basketball again
1 min read
His serious injury, when he lost a kidney and fought for his life, united the national team of Serbia in the Philippines, which reached the final and won a silver medal. It also secured their participation in the Paris Olympics. They were very worried, did not sleep for two nights, and this greatly affected their game. African selection basketball player Nuni Omot aggressively hit Borisa with his elbow in one duel, and the referees did not call a foul.
Thanks to the caution of Serbian national team doctor Dragan Gage Radovanovic, Borisa Simanic was immediately transported to the hospital. It was only there that the severity of the injury was determined. Overnight, Borisa’s condition worsened, the operation was urgently performed, and Simanic had to have his kidney removed in order to stay alive. Kurir Sport / A. R.